Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global agenda adopted during the United Nations (UN) Summit on Sustainable Development in 2015.

In total, the UN established 17 ambitious and interconnected global goals, unfolded into 169 targets. The focus is to overcome the major development challenges faced by people in Brazil and around the world, while promoting sustainable growth on the planet by the year 2030.

The good news is that the widespread presence in Minas Gerais makes the Forestry Industry an agricultural culture with the high potential to address 14 out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Every day, the forestry sector in Minas Gerais contributes to eradicating poverty, providing affordable and clean energy, fostering innovation, reducing inequalities, promoting sustainable cities, encouraging responsible consumption, combating climate change, ensuring justice, promoting decent work, and economic growth.

In this context, AMIF is already working to make the forestry sector in Minas Gerais an official signatory of the United Nations. This will be another public demonstration of how AMIF and its associates are committed to sustainable development for Minas Gerais, Brazil, and, of course, the world.

Our strategic goals

In 2023, AMIF developed a new Strategic Plan based on ten goals aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

AMIF believes that economic development is a strong ally of environmental conservation and the reduction of social inequalities.

Now, let’s share our goals and truths with you and the world.

Strategic goal 1
Ensure the economic and financial sustainability of AMIF’s operations and projects.
Strategic goal 2

Boost the sector’s performance through the valorization of its assets in the green economy.

Strategic goal 3
Expand the scope of action and representation of AMIF in all segments of the forest industry in Minas Gerais.
Strategic goal 4
Reduce sector bureaucracy and risks for associated companies.
Strategic goal 5
Promote the professionalization of the forest industry in Minas Gerais.
Strategic goal 6
Reposition the image and develop the reputation of the forest industry in Minas Gerais.
Strategic goal 7
Update the governance of the Deliberative Council and Executive Presidency.
Strategic goal 8
Optimize organizational flow.
Strategic goal 9
Enhance the qualification of those directly involved in AMIF’s processes and outcomes.
Strategic goal 10
Increase and qualify the participation of associates in AMIF’s activities.